Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blog Post #3    Due Tuesday, July 29

Listen to the above video: "Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders." Answer 3 out of the 4 questions that follow on our class blog:

1. Are the statistics that Ms. Sandberg mentions re women leaders worldwide also true for your country? If not, how does your country differ?

2. Explain Ms. Sandberg's 3 main points. What does she mean by: 1. "Sit at the table"   2 "Make your partner a real partner ."  3. "Don't leave before you leave" ?

3. At the end of her talk, she says " I think a world where half of our countries and half of our companies were run by women, would be a better world." Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

4. A recent comment on this speech says " This speech is merely stereotypical baloney." What do you think the author of this statement means? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Due Thursday, July 31: Oral Presentation #2   Talk about 3 generations of women in your family. For each generation  Tell  (1)if they worked or not ; (2) what type of work, if any, they did;  (3) if they were typical of their generation/ native country   
  Have some visuals, preferably pictures of the women you are talking about. Talk for about 2 minutes.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blog Post #2 American Slang by JenniferESl

Dear students,

Thank you so much for your very interesting comments on Blog Post #1. Now we turn to  the American slang lessons by JenniferESL. You have heard some of them in class ( Lessons 1-5).  Please watch Lesson #7A and 7B, which you have not heard . After you watch it, answer the following questions:

1. Which slang expressions in this lesson have you heard before?
2. Which ones do you think you might use in the future?
3. What does "hello" mean here? How can you tell that it is being used sarcastically?
4. What is the difference between slang and "street language," according to Jennifer?
5. What advice does Jennifer give about learning when slang is and is not appropriate?

Your answers will be due before class on Tuesday, July 21.

Happy weekend to all!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dear Students,

Welcome to Diana's class blog! I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Good luck this term,


Blog Post #1: Please watch the video below, and answer the following questions:

1. What did the authors of the Declaration of Independence mean by "happiness"?
2. Why are the beginning and the end of the Declaration more important than the middle?
3. What was meant by "the 13 colonies ought to be free and independent sovereign states"?
4. Why do you think the Declaration is considered a great document?

Feel free to respond to each other's comments as well.

p.s. How to answer? You should click on "comments," which you will find either on the left or under the video. Please let me know via email if you have any problems doing this.